(Wen Wei Po) Borrowing the lunar soil from “Chang’e-5”, HKU studies the mysteries of the moon.
Dr. Yuqi QIAN, member of LSR, has brought back the moon soil sample collected by Chang’e 5 to HKU for further ...
(Tai Kung Po) The University of Hong Kong obtained lunar soil samples from Chang’e-5 to explore the evolution history of the moon.
Dr. Yuqi QIAN, member of LSR, has brought back the moon soil sample collected by Chang’e 5 to HKU for further ...
(SCMP) Hong Kong scientists have lift-off for research project after expert wins bid for use of moon rocks and dust to study lunar volcanic activity
LSR member Dr Yuqi Qian was mentioned in the article “Hong Kong scientists have lift-off for research project after expert ...
(China Daily) HKU geologists become HK’s first to analyze lunar samples
LSR members Dr Yuqi Qian and Dr Joseph Michalski were mentioned in the article “HKU geologists become HK's first to ...
(YouTube) LSR’s research paper was featured in a specific story on Youtube by a science influencer with 1.16 million subscribers
LSR’s research paper “When the Stars Align: A 5σ Concordance of Planetary Nebulae Major Axes in the Center of Our ...
(China Daily) Ghostly action across time and space
The article published on China Daily, written by Prof. Quentin Parker, Director of LSR, “Ghostly action across time and ...
(WenWeiPo) Dr. Joseph Ryan MICHALSKI has been awarded the XPLORER Prize 2023.
Dr. Joseph Ryan MICHALSKI has been awarded the XPLORER Prize 2023. He is the first non-Chinese awardee for the past five ...
HKU and Manchester University Astronomers come closer to finding answers about mysterious alignment of ghost stars.
Scientists who discovered evidence of an unusual and mysterious alignment of planetary nebulae in the central bulge of our ...
Mr. Andy Kong joined the conference held in Tianqin Center for Gravitational Physics in SYSU
Mr. Andy Kong joined the conference held in Tianqin Center for Gravitational Physics in Sun Yat-sen University. The details ...
(Nature Astronomy) Alfred Amruth has the front cover of the Nature Astronomy
LSR member, Alfred Amruth has the front cover of the current issue of Nature Astronomy. (Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2023) Dark ...