(RTHK) Shooting stars to rain down in Geminid meteor shower
Professor Quentin Parker's comment was mentioned in the RTHK article "Shooting stars to rain down in Geminid meteor shower" ...
(SCMP) If China is worried about SpaceX, it should encourage ‘astropreneurs’ of its own
Professor Quentin Parker's article "If China is worried about SpaceX, it should encourage ‘astropreneurs’ of its own" ...
(Online Seminar) Infinite Horizons Seminar: The local NewSpace ecosystem – Does HK and indeed China have the right stuff ?
Abstract The globally emerging NewSpace economy could be worth 1 trillion USD by decades end according to the Bank Morgan ...
2023 Hong Kong Young Scientist Award Finals – “Dark Matter under the Lens”
LSR member Dr Alfred Amruth has won the 2023 Hong Kong Young Scientist Award Finals. He was invited to give a talk "Dark ...
(China Daily) Taikonauts’ visit will hopefully kickstart a major policy shift in HK
Professor Parker's article "Taikonauts’ visit will hopefully kickstart a major policy shift in HK" was posted on China ...
(China Daily) HK can help lead the turbocharging of greener growth for ASEAN and GBA
Professor Parker's article "HK can help lead the turbocharging of greener growth for ASEAN and GBA" was posted on China ...
【OASA NewSpace Conference 2023】“The “Right Stuff” for the Future “Science” Economy in HKSAR”
Professor Parker was invited to give a speech on the OASA NewSpace Conference 2023 in Cyberport on 20 Oct 2023. The topic ...
(China Daily) HK, Macao add thrust to nation’s space exploration
The article “HK, Macao add thrust to nation's space exploration” mentioned the Lunar soil samples collected by the ...
(China Daily) Cooperation in space could be next step for Belt and Road
Prof. Quentin Parker's article "Cooperation in space could be next step for Belt and Road" has been posted on China Daily on ...
(RTHK Backchat) Hong Kong’s role in China’s space
Prof. Quentin Parker and LSR member Prof. Gregg Li have shared their view on "Hong Kong's role in China's space" in RTHK ...