Online Event by LSR Deputy Director Joe Michalski: A New Space Race
Cafe Scientifique Hong Kong invited Dr. Joe Michalski, the Deputy Director of LSR to give a webinar on June 8th at 19:00 HK ...
LSR signed a 3-way MoU with HKU Academy for the Talented and OASA
Today on May 27th 2021, at 2:30pm, the HKU Academy for the talented (, the Orion Astropreneur Space ...
LSR deputy director Professor Joe Michalski shared his insight about the science story behind the Zhurong Rover on Mars
Recently the LSR deputy director Professor Joe Michalski published a blog story on Nature Astronomy: “What science is ...
LSR Director Professor Quentin Parker and Dr. Gregg Li will talk at a KPMG organized Connected Cities Conference on the emerging Space Economy
Space is becoming increasingly accessible. Investment in space technology has created infinite possibilities in scarling up ...
LSR Director Professor Quentin Parker was interviewed by China Business Network
China Business Network interviewed LSR Director Professor Parker and wrote a news article about China Space Station. You can ...
Simba Zou, a SRF undergraduate student shared his inspiring research experience in LSR
Mr Simba Xiang ZOU is a second-year BSc student, majoring in Physics (Intensive) in HKU. He enrolled in the Faculty’s ...
Italian-consulate and LSR co-organised Webinar on MARS and Space Science
LSR members: Professor Denis Bastieri, Professor Quentin Parker, Professor Joseph Michalski and Ms Rosaria Prochilo, are ...
Italian Consul visit to LSR
On March 29th, the Italian Consul, the honourable Clemente Contestabile, together with Luca Querin, business attache, ...
LSR has just signed a Collaboration Agreement with OASA HK
The collaborative agreement signing ceremony was held on March 12th 2021, at HKU-LSR office. It was signed by Professor ...
HKU planetary scientists discover evidence for a reduced atmosphere on ancient Mars
Both Earth and Mars currently have oxidising atmospheres, which is why iron-rich materials in daily life develop rust (a ...