(Al Jazeera) Gui will manage scientific experiments during the mission on China’s tiangong space station

June 02, 2023
(Al Jazeera) Gui will manage scientific experiments during the mission on China’s tiangong space station

The Al Jazeera’s interview of Prof. Quentin Parker, Director of LSR, discussed China’s recent launch of the Shenzhou rocket to the Tiangong space station, and mentioned China’s plans to send humans to the moon by 2030 and open a space tourism program.


Abstract of the interview:

Prof. Quentin Parker discussed the recent launch of the Chinese Shenzhou rocket to the Tiangong space station, which included the first Chinese civilian astronaut. 

He dismissed the idea of militarization in China’s space program, stating that they are not putting up armaments. He also noted that the inclusion of civilians in space is a normal progression for a mature space program. 

He discussed China’s plans to send humans to the moon by 2030, citing national pride and the demonstration of incredible capacity as reasons for doing so. He also mentioned that China hopes to open up their own space tourism program in the future.


This interview was published on 30 May on Al Jazeera: https://mediaview.aljazeera.com/video/6UeWQACaoQ