Notes on Computational Quantum Chemistry & Astrochemistry
Chemistry in Outer Space
Dying Stars Create New Frontiers in Space Research (By Prof. Sun Kwok)
Our Scientist (Proffessor Sun Kwok , Oct 27 2017)
Beneath the Starry Sky(I) (Proffessor Sun Kwok , March 06 2018)
Beneath the Starry Sky(II) (Proffessor Sun Kwok , March 13 2018)
Concepts in Chemistry
There are no Bonds, only Bonding (By Prof. Richard Bader)
Development of Computational Chemistry (By Prof. Paul von Rague Schleyer)
Advantages and Future Developments of Computational Chemistry (By Prof. Paul Von Rague Schleyer)
Theoretical insight into the astrochemistry hypothesis of MAONs (Nov 14th 2015, CUHK)
Theoretical identification of interstellar organic molecules (Dec 17 2015, HKU)
Quantum Chemical Interpretation of the UIE bands (June 3 2016, HKU)
Quantum Chemical Interpretation of the UIE bands (June 11 2016, Hunan Normal University)
Quantum Chemical Interpretation of the UIE bands (Dec 6 2016, HKU)
Theoretical Study on the Complex Organic Molecules in Planetary Nebulae (Dec 7 2017, HKU)
Theoretical Study on the Complex Organic Molecules in Planetary Nebulae (Dec 12 2017, HKU)
SAL Molecular Modeling Mini Workshop (July 2013, HKU)
HTC Workshop (March 13th 2014, HKU)
Quick Guide on HTC-Firefly (March 17th 2014, HKU)
Firefly and Gabedit (March 22nd 2016, HKU)